
Tuesday 17 December 2019

Summer learning Journy 2

Hi readers i'm going to write a poem about One Small Step For Man

The Moon Poem

                                                   The moon is round as a circle. 
                                                         The moon is cold like Ice.
                                                   The moon is rocky as the sand.
                                          I can jump on the moon like a trampoline or my bed.
                                            Is the moon made out of cheese no that's a myth.
         The moon poem the moon poem my name is Divine and this poem is about the moon.  

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Athletics Zones

Hello my name is Divine and I'm going to tell you about Athletics Zones.

On the 31st of October the seniors at my school went to Hornby High School for Athletics. Before we went to Hornby High School we got in lines of which year we were in. Then we listened to the instructions and went to the High School.

When we got there we went to the field at hornby high. I was a year 5 girl and the year 5 girls went to the long jump. At the long jump we had to line up and wait till Ms Clifford said go and the first five people to go to the zones in each event. After that we went to discus, long distance, high jump, shot put and Sprints

In Sprinting on my first run in sprinting I came 3rd and my friend Malama came 1st and my other friend Elenessa came 2nd. Then some other groups went on sprinting   

Wednesday 18 September 2019

My Leprechaun Letter

Related imageImage result for leprechaun gold gif

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Thing I do for fun

Hi readers i'm going to tell you a little bit about what I do for fun. I Wonder If you like them to.

Image result for bkImage result for The royalty family and dogsImage result for descendants                   
Image result for candy candy and more candyImage result for Pizza