
Thursday, 29 October 2020

Fixing Fantastic Surface Features

 Hi Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be talking about SURFACE FEATURES. Surface features are small bits in your writing like Capital Letters, full stops,Repeated words and Punctuation.

We had to fix our writing if too many words were the same.

Why would we use Surface Feature? We need to use surface features because it makes our reading easy for people to read.

Here is an example: thissentsaChulymakessen Zbuttisrellyhrd to reed. This sentence doesn't make sense because it does not have Surface Features.

On our Room 9 site our teacher put a link to a story that we needed to fix.We make our own copy. We had to read it once and find the end of the sentences.

Here is the work I've done.

Thank you for Reading My blog.Please comment and have a nice day.

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Weekly Word 25

 Hello Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be talking about the word of the week. The word of the week is something I do every week. For the word of the week my Teacher gives me and my class a word to find the Definition, an example and our own Sentence for it. This week my teacher told me and my class that she put a document for us to copy on our class site. The document had a lot of words on it, and our teacher said to highlight on word that we wanted to do for the word of the week. We all got to pick our own word of the week. The word of the week for today is Delightful.

Here is the awesome work I've done.

Thank you for reading my blog.Please comment and have a wonderful day.

Friday, 16 October 2020


 HOLA Wonderful Readers,

Today I'm going to be talking about Swimming. 

On Monday the 12 of October it was the first day of Swimming/School. Everyone in Hornby Primary School had to bring there togs. We also had to bring our hat. I didn't know that we had to bring our hat so I had to stay in the shade. 

We had line up at the gate when the lunch eating bell rang and we also ate early. The boys in my class always wanted to go first in the bus so that they could sit on the back sit. But the girl went first because the boys kept making nose in the line so the boys when last into the bus. 

For swimming I was in the small pool but I didn't know my teacher name and the people that where in my swimming names where Me aka Divine, Ellenessa, Sophie, Riley,Connor Devanni and Finau where the people in my swimming group. Then we all went to a different swimming teacher called Sue and she is in the deep pool and I hate the deep pool because I'm short and it almost covers my face at the end of the swimming pool. I was also wearing yellow togs,

Here is a Swimming Photo

Thank you for reading my blog.Please comment and have an nice day.
Do you like the deep pool?