
Wednesday 16 December 2020

My Intro SLJ

 Hello Awesome Readers

Today I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself, this is not really to do with Summer Learning Journey but I thought why not keep my blog running because it is the holiday and I don't have much to do instead of getting ready for Christmas. Oh yes just remembered something... Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. Your probably thinking why say happy new year before the new year...well, sad news to say but during the 1st to the 10th of January I'm sorry to say but I won't be posting blog post's on those days because at my church Forward In Faith we have a tradition that every year from the 1st of January to the 10 of January we have to pray for a good year and the God protects us through everything and we also pray for the world to so that means we pray for everyone in the world to be protected. So that means no devices. But I promise that I'll try post some blog posts after the 10 days of praying a finishes. 

But now let's talk a little bit about me. 

My name is Divine and I'm 10 years old. This year in 2020 I was a year 6 student in Hornby Primary School. I also made a lot of friends there and ended up being a Trusted Trekker with some of my friends Khiel,Eddie,Renz and Zahina. Me and Zahina where the only girl Trusted Trekkers in our class. Yes there were other Trusted Trekkers but a lot that I can't name them all. At the end of the year we had a Year 6 Leavers Assembly where our Parents came. Then on the 15th of December we closed school. Now I'm on my school holiday and I'm going to go to Hornby High School Next Year. I'm also going to be a Year 7 and turn 11 next year too. I can't wait for High School and can't wait to make much more new friends too. For the Holiday I'm going to be participating in Summer Learning Journey For 2020-2021.

    Thank you for reading my blog. Have an amazing Holiday and Christmas and also a Happy New Year.                                                                            😎😇😁 

Monday 14 December 2020

SLJ 2020-2021 Kick Start Art

Hi Awesome Readers,

Today I'm going to do a post for Summer Learning Journey. We had to go to the SLJ blog and complete one of the tasks on our blog.For this blog we were doing art we had to go to an Google Art Colouring Book then we had to colour our own copy of the painting and post it on our blog.

Here is the amazing work I've done.

                   Thank you for reading my blog. Please comment and have a nice day.