
Thursday, 28 October 2021


 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about Weka. Weka are a NZ Animal brought by Australia.In My class have been learning about NZ Flora and Fauna, We also had to write about any NZ creature that we would love to learn about. I chose a Weka because I didn't know a lot about them, But now that I've researched about them I know a lot about them. Here is my work.

Thank you for reading my blog.Please comment and have an amazing day. What do you know about Weka? What other birds would you like to learn about? If you have any question please comment down below.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff

 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post for my reading class could Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff. In My reading class we are learning about Nz Flora And Fauna. 3 things that I heared and learned about in flora and fauna then after I finish telling you all about what I learned I'll tell about Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff with is also to do with Flora and Fauna.

Fact 1. Kakapo'sKakapo's means Night Parrot in Maori Kakapo's are also the worlds largest parrots that cannot fly.They can live until 80 years old and they are also one of the very mischievous birds in NZ. In 1977 they were said to be extended but really they weren't. They can only breed every 2-5 years and 40 percent of Kakapo eggs are not able to make baby Kakapo.

Fact 2. Wasps- Wasps were accidentally brought to NZ by Air Crafts,They are a problem for animals in NZ because they eat the food for our NZ Native Animals.

Fact 3- Horopito- Horopito are red and green and are indeed edible they are also found in the mountains and are also native peeper trees they are also good treatment for cuts, bruises, wounds and chaffing on the skin.

I hoped you liked those fact, here is a link to the video for flora and fauna LINK 

For Reading I had to read Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff. It had a lot of facts about native animals in the sea here is a fact that I found- Octopi can change their colour and texture in an instant to blend in with their background. Here is the link to Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff- LINK

Thank you for reading my blog. Please Comment and have an amazing day.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

2 Week Holiday

 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about what happened in my Term 3 holidays. In this blog i'm going to be using the writing for S P I L E meaning S for Social Activities, P for Physical, I for Intellectual, L for Likes and E for Emotional.

For My Social Activities I went to Bunchanas Park and played Tennis with my family. For Physical I went swimming with my family. For Intellectual I learned how to make Donuts with my Mum, we baked 3 of the donuts and fried the rest of them. For Likes I liked having walks with my mum around the neighbourhood and for Emotional I was Happy because I got to bake and make Brownie Pops and making Donuts.

Tennis Courts - Town of Cortlandt, NY
Thank you for reading my blog. Please Comment and have and amazing day.