
Monday 9 August 2021

Science Ginger Beer with Yeast

 Hola Como Estas

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about Yeast. This week in Science we are going to be using yeast to make Ginger Beer,(NO ALCOHOL INCLUDED). Today we made ginger beer in class. We did this by activating the yeast first by adding sugar to the yeast, putting some ginger and warm water in a cup together. Once we had done this we put it to the side and left it to ferment while we made the rest of the ginger beer. We made the ginger beer in an ice cream container by adding first the sugar, then the water,some lemon juice and lastly the ginger beer bug. Once everything was mixed up we put it in a bottle. It is going to take about 6 days to turn into ginger beer. Mr Palmer is going to keep it in his office for the next week.

What things are yeast used for? - Yeast is used for making Beer and mostly making bread.  

What is Yeast?

Yeast is Fungi.

Yeast is made out of egg shaped cells only visible in microscopes.

Yeast is made living and it can also die. 

Yeast has been there sense the Ancient times.

Yeast is all around us in the air which is called natural yeast.

There are 250 species of yeast in the world.

Yeast can make carbon dioxide gas with are the bubbles in your bread paste.

Yeast can make wine to is is made by the grape skin on a grape.

Here is the Ginger Beer Recipe:


  • Spoons
  • Kettle
  • Bowl
  • Beaker
  • Cloth Sieve
  • Funnel 
  • Plastic (PET) bottle and cap.

Bug  (for a group of 3)
  • 50ml warm water
  • 1/2 tsp active dried yeast 
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger
Ginger beer  ( for 1 Litre
  • 3/4 cup sugar 
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1L cold water
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp ginger beer bug.
  1. In a large bowl, put the sugar and cream of tartar. then add the warm water.
  2. Stir to dissolve the sugar before adding the cold water.
  3. Add the ginger beer bug to the large bowl of cold water.
  4. Stir well and then pour into your clean bottle
  5. Label your bottle with your group names.
  6. Place all the bottles in the class container
  7. Store in cool,dark place for one week before drinking.
  8. Make sure you open the bottle in the kitchen sink as it might overflow. Open the cap bit by bit to allow the air to escape.

What is Fermentation?
the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat.

What effect does sugar have on yeast?

Too little sugar in dough can slow down yeast activity: Yeast is a lot like us – it loves to eat sugar. Yeast needs sugar to produce carbon dioxide – the leavening gas that causes the dough to rise. If there is not enough sugar available, the dough will rise slowly or not at all.

What are 3 foods that have yeast?

Bread,Muffins and Beer.

\What's the Difference Between Yeasts? | Leite's CulinariaGinger Beer + Diet | Bundaberg Brewed Drinks

Thank you for reading my blog.Please comment and have an amazing day

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