
Tuesday 28 April 2020

The Seven Sharp lip sync Battle

Hola Readers😁

Today I'm going to tell yo about the Seven Sharp lip sync battle.🎙🎤

Yesterday me and my sister Anne were practicing lip-syncing for the Seven Sharp lip-sync battle. My sister Anne started to cry because she wanted to go to bed so we let her go to bed and sleep, so then I had to do the Lip-Sync battle by myself. After I did the video my dad tried to send the video to me so I could send it to Seven Sharp but it didn't work and my dad tried to send it to me bye bluetooth from his phone because the video was taken bye his phone. Then It was almost time for the entry's to close because the entry's closed at 27 April at 11:59pm. Then my mum said "Sorry to me because they couldn't send it to me" but then I said "Dad can't you do it on your phone"? So then I took my dad's phone and quickly wrote Seven Sharp lip-sync battle and we wrote my name and last name, my dad's phone number, my email address, my City/Town and then we put in the video and clicked on 'enter'.  and we were just in time because we finished at 11:54 then we went to bed.

thank you for reading my blog.Please comment and have a nice day.😎


  1. Thank you for sharing this with us Divine! This is the perfect example to the phrase 'last minute'. Have you heard of this phrase before? I would love to see the video of you lipsyncing and please keep us posted on the results of the competition!

    Take care,
    Miss D

  2. Kia ora Divine. I bet you were getting stressed as the time was getting close. Good thinking on your part! This sounds like a great project to be working on during lockdown.
    Just one little grammar thing. Some words in english change their ending when they change to a plural(more than one) like entry. You take away the 'y' and add ies. So entry would change to entries. The same for pony...this becomes ponies.
    I am looking forward to seeing your video and keep up the amazing blogging! :)


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