
Thursday 21 May 2020

Back To School

Hola Awesome Readers!😎

Today I'm going to tell you about my BACK TO SCHOOL, after the lockdown.

On the first day back to school I went to my classroom 'Room 9.' When got to my class, as soon as I opened the door all my friend came and hugged me. I kept saying "social distancing." But know one cared and just hugged me anyway. When the bell rang for class time we all got in a circle and did our class Karakia. The first thing we did for the karakia was our waiata, then we sang Anei mato and Te Aroha. Then we did the roll. After the roll we did reading, for reading we did the Word Of The Week. Then we did fitness.

( So that's all I can remember.) Please Comment and have an awesome day.😎

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