
Tuesday 28 July 2020

Matariki Comic/ Video

OLA Readers 

Today i'm going to be posting my Matariki Comic and Video. I had to go on Storyboard and signed in with google to make an account then I had to make 6 pages and got some characters to use as the matariki stars.So we had to chose if we wanted to do the matariki sister or the matariki brother I pick the matatiki sisters.

Here is the Comic
Here is the link to my video of my comic.
Thank you for reading my blog. Please comment and have a nice day. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.

1 comment:

  1. WOW Divine..this must of taken you a while to complete.It looks amazing and I love the pictures you have used.I have tried clicking on your picture to make the text bigger but it won't enlarge.
    Did you learn something new about Matariki?.


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