
Thursday, 2 December 2021

Business & Enterprise

Hola Como Estan ustedes, lectores asombrosos,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about My Business and Enterprise Group and What we made at school. For My Business and Enterprise we had to make a group of 4, If you had 1 more than 4 then you would have to ask the Dean for his approval. First we started with 4 people, Me,Victoria,Tiana and Michaela. Our first Idea was to make Body Scrub and Bath Bombs. We Made a slide about what we were doing and named our Company Youth'N'Beauty we thought the name went good with the Idea we were doing. Later we thought that we should just do Lip Scrub and Bath Bombs instead because that was way more easier to do and it wasn't out of our budget,(PS We had a $20 budget). Later we changed the name and called our group Christmas wishes. We made Gingerbread,Snowflake and Candy Cane Lip Scrub. Candy Cane was the Most popular. We also make Clay toys and Bath bombs At the Market Day We sold our product and What I learned was to be a team and work together. Later Letitia-Ann Joined our Group. Things that went successful in our group was the Clay toys and the Lip scrub. We achieved, Commitment by working together and Achievement by being able to work together. At the end of the day Victoria and Michaela had a bit of Drama with Shouting but the day went good . We also Earned $18 It was Fun.Year 7/8 Market Day!!

Thank you for reading my blog. Please comment and have and amazing day.

Friday, 19 November 2021


 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about Kea. Kea are one of the most smartest birds in NZ and are found in The mountains in the Alpine Areas. In my last 3 blog posts I made a blogs about Ruru, Weka and Kiwi. This time I decided to make a blog about Kea because they are one of the well known birds. Here is my Work.

Thank you for reading my blog. Please comment and have an amazing day.

Thursday, 11 November 2021


 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about Ruru. Ruru are the only Owls in NZ and are Called Morepork of Ruru. Morepork is their English name and Ruru is there Maori name. In my last 2 blog posts I made a blogs about Weka and Kiwi. This time I decided to make a blog about Ruru. Here is my Work.

Thank you for reading my blog. Please Comment and have an Amazing Day.


Friday, 5 November 2021


 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about Kiwi. In My reading class we have been NZ native animals. In my last blog post you would have seen that I did a blog post about Weka. Some people think that Weka and Kiwi look alike and are often to think that Weka are Kiwi at Night. Both Weka and Kiwi were brought by Flighted Ancestors, but no one really knows what flight ancestor Kiwi and Weka came from. Scientists have found out that the flighted ancestor for Kiwi lived over 50 million years ago, but still no one knows were they came from.  I made a Poster about Kiwi and facts for them. Here is my work.

Thank you for reading my blog. Please comment and have an amazing day.

Thursday, 28 October 2021


 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about Weka. Weka are a NZ Animal brought by Australia.In My class have been learning about NZ Flora and Fauna, We also had to write about any NZ creature that we would love to learn about. I chose a Weka because I didn't know a lot about them, But now that I've researched about them I know a lot about them. Here is my work.

Thank you for reading my blog.Please comment and have an amazing day. What do you know about Weka? What other birds would you like to learn about? If you have any question please comment down below.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff

 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post for my reading class could Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff. In My reading class we are learning about Nz Flora And Fauna. 3 things that I heared and learned about in flora and fauna then after I finish telling you all about what I learned I'll tell about Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff with is also to do with Flora and Fauna.

Fact 1. Kakapo'sKakapo's means Night Parrot in Maori Kakapo's are also the worlds largest parrots that cannot fly.They can live until 80 years old and they are also one of the very mischievous birds in NZ. In 1977 they were said to be extended but really they weren't. They can only breed every 2-5 years and 40 percent of Kakapo eggs are not able to make baby Kakapo.

Fact 2. Wasps- Wasps were accidentally brought to NZ by Air Crafts,They are a problem for animals in NZ because they eat the food for our NZ Native Animals.

Fact 3- Horopito- Horopito are red and green and are indeed edible they are also found in the mountains and are also native peeper trees they are also good treatment for cuts, bruises, wounds and chaffing on the skin.

I hoped you liked those fact, here is a link to the video for flora and fauna LINK 

For Reading I had to read Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff. It had a lot of facts about native animals in the sea here is a fact that I found- Octopi can change their colour and texture in an instant to blend in with their background. Here is the link to Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff- LINK

Thank you for reading my blog. Please Comment and have an amazing day.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

2 Week Holiday

 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about what happened in my Term 3 holidays. In this blog i'm going to be using the writing for S P I L E meaning S for Social Activities, P for Physical, I for Intellectual, L for Likes and E for Emotional.

For My Social Activities I went to Bunchanas Park and played Tennis with my family. For Physical I went swimming with my family. For Intellectual I learned how to make Donuts with my Mum, we baked 3 of the donuts and fried the rest of them. For Likes I liked having walks with my mum around the neighbourhood and for Emotional I was Happy because I got to bake and make Brownie Pops and making Donuts.

Tennis Courts - Town of Cortlandt, NY
Thank you for reading my blog. Please Comment and have and amazing day.

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Making Hokey Pokey

 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers.

Today I'm going to be making a blog about Hokey Pokey.

Aim: To make Hokey Pokey using sugar,golden syrup and baking soda.

When using the sugar and golden syrup combine what the baking soda it froths and makes carbon dioxide gas, that is why Hokey Pokey has bubbles.


  1. Put 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of golden syrup in a saucepan and melt.
  2. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes.
  3. Add baking soda and stir vigorously.
  4. Put the Hokey Pokey on a piece of grease prove paper to cool.
The more sugar syrup is cooked the browner it becomes. If is left cooking for a bit to long your Hokey Pokey becomes burnt.

  1. Why do we stir it?- So everything is mixed together and you don't get a mouth full of baking soda.
  2. Explain why the hokey pokey rises and has bubbles? It has bubbles because of the Carbon Dioxide
  3. What gas is made by the baking soda and sugar? Carbon Dioxide
Thank you for reading my blog. Please comment and have an amazing day.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Comic Man Dylan's Life

 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to make a blog post about Comic man. In my reading group I had to read a story about a boy could Dylan and his life style of how he wanted to become a comic writer. Here is the work that I did for Comic man,I hope you Enjoy.

Panels- The Panels are the boxes with the comic written inside.

Captions-The Captions are the words written in a Comic.

Speech Balloons-The Speech balloons are for what the characters say.

Gutters-The gutters are the lines that separate the comic square.

SFX(Sound Effects)- SFX in comics are the sounds like Crash,Smash,Bash or Boom.

Borders-The edge or outline of the comic page (shaded red in this example).

Frames-the drawings and text.

Character expression - Character expression is emotions that characters make like happy,sad,angry or


Shape of speech bubbles-Speech balloons (also speech bubbles, dialogue balloons, or word balloons) are a graphic

convention used most commonly in comic books, comics, and cartoons to allow words

(and much less often, pictures) to be understood as representing the speech or thoughts of a

given character in the comic.

Captions- In a caption, words appear in a box separated from the rest of the panel or page, usually to give

voice to a narrator, but sometimes used for the characters' thoughts or dialogue.

Text- My Comic is going to be about a group of friends that got bullied my a mean girl in school that no one

likes who steals and lies but one day learns her lesson. 


Dylan Horrocks | Arts Foundation Laureate | Arts Foundation Comic genius returns home | content for Spark Festival |

Thank you for reading my Blog. Please comment and have an amazing day. Do you know anything about Dylan?

Monday, 20 September 2021


 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to b making a blog post about Neutralisation. Here is my work.

Acid+Alkaline (Base) = Water and Salt


  • Universal Indicator

  • 1 M HCl ( Hydrochloric Acid)

  • 1 M NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide)

  • 4 Test tubes

  • Test tube rack

  • 2 plastic pipettes


  • Take a test tube rack with 1 boiling tube at each end of the rack and 4 test tubes.

  1. Half Fill the boiling tube at one end with Sodium Hydroxide.

  2. Half fill the boiling tube at the other end with Hydrochloric acid.

  3. Fill each test tube with 5 drops of Universal indicator.

  4. Using the pipettes you will add drops of the acid or alkaline to the test tubes to make colours. DO NOT MIX UP THE PIPETTES

Thank You For Reading My Blog. Please Comment And Have An Amazing Day.

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Litmus Paper

 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post for science about Litmus Paper.I hope you enjoy.


  1. Red Litmus Paper
  2. Blue Litmus Paper
  3. Sodium Hydroxide
  4. Hydrochloric Acid
  5. Pipette
  6. 4 Test Tubes

  1. Rip the Litmus Paper in half and put half in each test tube.
  2. Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the blue Litmus Paper in test tube 1.
  3. Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the red Litmus Paper in test tube 2.
  4. Add 3 drop of Sodium Hydroxide to the blue Litmus Paper in test tube 3.
  5. Add 3 drops of Sodium Hydroxide to the red litmus paper in test tube 4.

The blue litmus paper with hydrochloric acid Stayed Blue.

The blue litmus paper with sodium hydroxide Went Red.

The red litmus paper with hydrochloric acid Went Blue.

The red litmus paper with sodium hydroxide Stayed Red.

Here is A little video that I made of the Litmus Paper:

Thank You For Reading My Blog. Please Comment And Have An Amazing Day.

Friday, 10 September 2021

Te Puea Hērangi

Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about Te Puea Hērangi. I started doing this in lockdown and I finished it at school. Here is the work I have done.

Thank you for reading my blog about Te Puea Hērangi. Please comment and have an amazing day.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Sherbet (Back to school in Science)

 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about Homemade Sherbet with baking soda. This is a fun homemade candy you can eat at home. But first here are 10 cleaning uses for baking soda

10. Scrub Away Scuff Marks On The Walk.

9. Under Arm Deodorant.

8. Clean And Unclog Smelly Sinks.

7.Clean Your Grout ( Or Clean Away Mould)

6. Add Abrasive To Cleaning Products.

5.Deodorise Your Kitty Litter Tray.

4.Clean You None Self Cleaning Oven.

3.Wash Build Up In Your Hair.

2.Deodorise Your Carpet.

1. Baking Soda Is Good For Adding In Your Laundry Booster

Making Sherbet

1. Which two ingredients in the sherbet are involved in the chemical reaction?

2. Which ingredients are not involved?

3. Can you think of any other chemical reactions that might happen in the kitchen>

4.Which ingredients is a acid?-Citric Acid

5. Which ingredients is a base

We Will Need:


  1. A Cup
  2. Tea Spoon
  3. Ice Cream Stick
  4. Icing Sugar
  5. Baking Soda
  6. Citric Acid
  7. Raro

1 teaspoon of powdered drink crystals ( eg Raro)
1/4 teaspoon of citric acid
1 teaspoon of Icing Sugar
1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda

Here is A Video I made Tasting It
Thank you for reading my blog. Please Comment and have and Amazing day.

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Brownies (In Lockdown)

Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm making a blog about the brownies I made yesterday, and plus there egg less. Here is a link for the recipe I found Online- Brownie Recipe. For this recipe I used brown sugar to keep everything brown, If you don't know what 1/3 is in baking its 5 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon.  Here is a video. 

Thank you for watching my video about egg less brownies.Please comment and have an amazing day.
                                                                    #StaySafe #StayHome

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Dice Roller On Google (In Lockdown)

Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about dice roller on google. I was given this task by on of my amazing maths teachers Miss Bancroft. I made a video explaining how I did this so look at the video down below.

Thank you for reading my amazing blog post. Please comment and have an amazing Day

Multiplication Table (In Lockdown)

 Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers,

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about my Multiplication Table Activity that I was given by one of my maths teachers. This Table is from 1 times table to 9 times tables. Here is my work.


                   Thank you for reading my blog.Please Comment and have and Amazing Day.
                                               Do you know you 1-9 time tables ?
                                                      #StaySafe - #StayHome

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Should We Move To MARS? ( In Lockdown)

Hola Como Estas, Amazing Readers

Today I’m going to be making an online blog post about Mars.

This blog activity was given to me by one of my Teachers for reading and my reading

group is called The Social Distancers well here is my work

Should We Move To Mars?

Do I want to move to Mars? No, I don’t think we should move to Mars because there is 0.13 percent of

oxygen on Mars compared to the Earth with 21 percent of oxygen on it. Mars also has up to 95 percent of carbon dioxide. I also don’t want to move to Mars because you can only live there from up to around 2

minutes or so before your organs ruptured. Here is a true fact, Difficulties and hazards include radiation

exposure during a trip to Marsand on its surface, toxic soil, low gravity, the isolation that accompanies Mars' distance from Earth, a lack

of water, and cold temperatures. In Mars there have been 40 missions to Mars, but only 18 missions have

been successful, so there would be a 40 percent chance we could not survive going to Mars

Did you know that the distance from the Sun to Mars is 141.6 million mi. The radius for Mars is 3,389.5

km or 2,106 mi. Did you know that the polar diameter of Mars is 6,752 km and the surface pressure of

Mars is -153 to 20°C. Have you ever wondered if other planets have a moon??? Well really Mars has two. One of them iscalled

Phobos and the other one is called Deimos. Those are the 2 moons for Mars.

Have you ever wondered where Mars got its name from? Well obviously Mars did not get its name from

the chocolate Mars because the planet Mars was there before the chocolate Mars because the chocolate

Mars was made in 1911 and the planet was made about 4.5 billion years ago. Well the real reason why

Mars got its name is because It has a distinctive red colour and was therefore associated with battles and

war and named after the Roman god of war.

The surface of Mars is a reddish-brown colour due to the rusting process of the surface minerals.

Another name for Mars is “The Red Planet.” Other civilizations throughout history have also named the

planet due to its colour. The Ancient Egyptians called Mars “Her Desher,” which translates to “the red one.”

Today we often call Mars the “Red Planet” due to the iron minerals on the surface. It’s the iron in the

Martian dirt that has oxidized or rusted that causes it to look red.


Here are some facts about Mars that I found and read about. 


“ Mars is only half of Earth’s diameter and its surface has many appearances as the dry land on Earth.

Mars has volcanoes, crust movement, impact craters, and atmospheric conditions such as dust storms

that, over the years, has changed the landscape. Valles Marineris is a large canyon system on Mars

whose length is long enough to stretch from New York to California on Earth; with a distance of over 3,000

mi/4,800 km.” Mars also has the solar system’s largest volcano, Olympus Mons. The volcano is three

times taller than Mt. Everest on Earth and has a base that is the size of the state of New Mexico. Thanks

to the incredible Mars rovers, we believe that Mars had water on its surface in the past. The temperature

on Mars never goes any higher than 20 degrees C. The temperature differences are due to the density of

the two atmospheres.The atmosphere on Mars is very thin while there is a thick atmosphere on Venus.

Scientists have done a lot of research on Mars and they also think that the atmosphere may have caused

the loss of any liquid water that was once on the planet.

Orbiting spacecraft has shown that Mars does have frozen water in its polar caps and there is some

evidence that indicates that there might be liquid water under Mars’ surface.

Scientists think that at one time in its history, Mars might have had a good enough atmosphere to have

water on the surface.

Thank you for Reading my blog. Please comment and have an amazing day.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Tokyo Olympics 2020

 Hola Como Estas

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about Tokyo Olympics. I made 2 slides for the Tokyo Olympics, one of them are about 5 NZ Olympians and the other one is about the NZ MEDALS. Here is a true fact the first Olympics started on the 6th of April 1896.

Here are the Slides

Thank you for Reading my blog. Please Comment and have an amazing day.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Science Ginger Beer with Yeast

 Hola Como Estas

Today I'm going to be making a blog post about Yeast. This week in Science we are going to be using yeast to make Ginger Beer,(NO ALCOHOL INCLUDED). Today we made ginger beer in class. We did this by activating the yeast first by adding sugar to the yeast, putting some ginger and warm water in a cup together. Once we had done this we put it to the side and left it to ferment while we made the rest of the ginger beer. We made the ginger beer in an ice cream container by adding first the sugar, then the water,some lemon juice and lastly the ginger beer bug. Once everything was mixed up we put it in a bottle. It is going to take about 6 days to turn into ginger beer. Mr Palmer is going to keep it in his office for the next week.

What things are yeast used for? - Yeast is used for making Beer and mostly making bread.  

What is Yeast?

Yeast is Fungi.

Yeast is made out of egg shaped cells only visible in microscopes.

Yeast is made living and it can also die. 

Yeast has been there sense the Ancient times.

Yeast is all around us in the air which is called natural yeast.

There are 250 species of yeast in the world.

Yeast can make carbon dioxide gas with are the bubbles in your bread paste.

Yeast can make wine to is is made by the grape skin on a grape.

Here is the Ginger Beer Recipe:


  • Spoons
  • Kettle
  • Bowl
  • Beaker
  • Cloth Sieve
  • Funnel 
  • Plastic (PET) bottle and cap.

Bug  (for a group of 3)
  • 50ml warm water
  • 1/2 tsp active dried yeast 
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger
Ginger beer  ( for 1 Litre
  • 3/4 cup sugar 
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1L cold water
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp ginger beer bug.
  1. In a large bowl, put the sugar and cream of tartar. then add the warm water.
  2. Stir to dissolve the sugar before adding the cold water.
  3. Add the ginger beer bug to the large bowl of cold water.
  4. Stir well and then pour into your clean bottle
  5. Label your bottle with your group names.
  6. Place all the bottles in the class container
  7. Store in cool,dark place for one week before drinking.
  8. Make sure you open the bottle in the kitchen sink as it might overflow. Open the cap bit by bit to allow the air to escape.

What is Fermentation?
the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat.

What effect does sugar have on yeast?

Too little sugar in dough can slow down yeast activity: Yeast is a lot like us – it loves to eat sugar. Yeast needs sugar to produce carbon dioxide – the leavening gas that causes the dough to rise. If there is not enough sugar available, the dough will rise slowly or not at all.

What are 3 foods that have yeast?

Bread,Muffins and Beer.

\What's the Difference Between Yeasts? | Leite's CulinariaGinger Beer + Diet | Bundaberg Brewed Drinks

Thank you for reading my blog.Please comment and have an amazing day

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Science Chilli Tasting 2

Hola Como Estas Amazing Readers

Today I'm going to be making a blog post of CHILLI TASTING IN SCIENCE

 Aim: To see which is the best way to cool down the hot chilli taste in your mouth when eating chilli.

Hypothesis: I think that that by using Milk I will be able to remove the hot chilli taste from my mouth.


  1. Milk
  2. Water
  3. Coca Cola
  4. Tasting
  5. Chilli

  1. You will work in groups of three for this experiment. Each person in the group will use on of the drinks with the chilli. You will then swap results in your group so that everyone has the same results.
  2. Each member of the group needs to have their own tasting cup. This will be used for putting the different liquids in as we cool off the chilli in our mouths.
  3. Place a piece of chilli in your mouth.
  4. You will drink the liquid that you have in your cup. As you do this you will complete a results chart.

Chilli Tasting Results

Record : Yes or No


After 3 minutes



Better after


Did Nothing 

The Same 

Coca Cola

It was the same

A Little better but still kinda hot

Summary and Results: 
The Milk did not work immediately. After 3 minutes it had a small effect.
The Coke had a small effect Immediately. Coke had no effect after 3 minutes.
The Water did not work immediately. The water did not stop the chilli after 3 minutes.


Milk could be a solution when eating spicy foods -- literally. That's because milk helps your mouth handle capsaicin, an oily chemical compound in chilli peppers. Capsaicin binds to a receptor in the tongue and creates a burning sensation. ... Casein protein found in milk can also bind to the capsaicin and wash it away.

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