
Tuesday 23 March 2021

Changing States of Matter

 Mohua Everyone,

Today In my Science Class Our Science Teacher told us to buddy up in a group of three. I budded up with Victoria and Malama. The States of Matters have 3 states that are Liquids, Solids and Gas.

Here are some Instruction we were given.

1st we put the some Ice in a beaker. Water is 100 degrees when it boils and 0 Degrees when it Frozen Ice.

1: Ice is placed in the beaker on the bench. Record it's Temperature.

2: Once the Ice has thawed, the Bunsen burner is set up with the tripod, gauze mat, heatproof mat and beaker.

3: The Bunsen Burner is lit.

4: The thermometer is placed in the beaker of water.

5: The findings are recorded on the chart

Aim: To change the states of water from solid to liquid to gas.

Hypothesis: I think that it will take 2 min for the Ice to melt.


1: Beaker

2: Ice

3: Thermometer

4: Bunsen Burner

My Ice Temp went to 40 and took a time to melt.

              Thank you for looking at my blog. Please comment and have a nice day. 

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